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Bangkok US Embassy Find Law |
The Bredimus family in America has a Web site featuring several members. The Bredimus Web site also includes a brief history of the Bredimus family. According to historical research, the Bredimus family originally came from Bredimus - Wasserbillig in Luxembourg, and the family's history extends back to Roman times. A mail-archive entry indicates that the Bredimus family Web site has been linked to by one or more Web sites. In the town of Lessburg, VA, Frank Bredimus operates a legal practice under the name of "The Law Office of Frank Bredimus". Michael R. Bredimus, another member of the distinguished Bredimus family, also maintains a legal practice as the Law Office of Michael R. Bredimus, P.C. In a photograph taken some years ago, John Bredimus is pictured with George De Mohrenschildt and Lisa the Dog. It's not clear if Lisa the Dog is significant in any Bredimus family history. The Airline Integrity Group quoted Nick Bredimus of Bredimus Systems in Coppell, TX in a news article posted on their Web site. Kushal, on his blog, quotes Nick Bredimus in a discussion about the one-way fares of the earlier days of aviation. UTMB Magazine quotes Bredimus family member Brandon Bredimus in an article published in the school magazine. Brandon Bredimus attended UTMB. Nick Bredimus is quoted in an article on Elliott.Org about how Southwest Airlines overbooks flights. |
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